Pick up drugs or overindulge in alcohol? Here’s why you shouldn’t.

My mum has been a drug addict in the 70's, ending up clean but then turning to alcohol. She has lived a life many wouldn't have survived. Here's part 2 of the journey. Warning some images may be distressing.

This day in 2012 life wasn’t in favour of my mum.

Being accepted onto the liver transplant waiting list is really like the test of the strongest willed. You are assessed on not only how you cope but what is your life worth after transplant.

Full-time carer for mum, to a place I never thought possible. Our story.

I get asked a lot about my life prior to starting my business. What did I do, was I studying  or traveling , living up the life of the much loved time of our youth , the 20's.  Well, I have been told I should share that time, the journey that brings me to where … Continue reading Full-time carer for mum, to a place I never thought possible. Our story.